Applies to Retreat Manager Cloud only.
Saving Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, or PDF documents to your local computer requires a few extra steps.
Setup your local computer
On your local computer create a folder named C:\RM-Export, or any name of your choosing in any location, and three sub-folders named Word, Excel, PDF, Attach.
Open File Explorer on your computer. If you're unfamiliar with File Explorer you can open it by searching for 'File Explorer'.
Right-Click on C:\, select New, then click Folder

Then type RM-Export as the name of the new folder.
Right-Click on the new folder, RM-Export, select New, then click Folder
Type Word
Right-Click on the new folder, RM-Export, select New, then click Folder
Type Excel
Right-Click on the new folder, RM-Export, select New, then click Folder
Type PDF
Right-Click on the new folder, RM-Export, select New, then click Folder
Type Attach
When done your File Explorer should look like this:

Configure Retreat Manager Cloud to save to your new, local, folders.
Open Retreat Manager Cloud and log in.
Click Configure > Personal Settings

Click the Maps tab on the left

Double-Click on the blue area for 'Location for Exporting DOCX'.
Expand 'This PC' and then expand 'C:\'. Depending on how many folders you have under C:\ this may take a little while to load. Once expanded select C:\RM-Export and then select Word. Finally, click Open.
The value in the blue area will change to be something like \\tsclient\C\RM-Export\Word\
Repeat for CSV and PDF.
When done click Save and Close button.
Setup Mapped Locations
Open Retreat Manager Cloud and log in.
Click Help > Setup Mapped Locations

Click the Find button for each row and select a location on your Local Computer where you want those types of files saved.

Expand 'This PC' and then expand 'C:\'. Depending on how many folders you have under C:\ this may take a little while to load.
The value in the blue area will change to be something like \\tsclient\C\RM-Export\Word\
Repeat for each file type. They can all be saved to the same folder or unique folders.
When done click Save & Close button.