Retreat Manager and Retreat Portal offer housekeeping functionality allowing for front desk staff to monitor whether rooms are clean and ready for guests as well as allowing cleaning staff to mark rooms as clean.
Rooms are automatically flagged as 'dirty' on the day of a guest's departure. There is no need to manually track if a room is dirty.
Retreat Manager Housekeeping Features
The Ticklers > Cleaning Status report showing which rooms have a departure today and are not yet cleaned.

The Reports > Housekeeping gives an overview of the rooms and whether the room is dirty, vacant, empty, etc.

The Housekeeping report has a column next to status that will say Yes if the room has not yet been marked as clean or will be blank if the room has been cleaned.
The Status column has a few values
Departing - The occupant is departing today.
EMPTY - It is past the occupant's scheduled departure day and the room is empty.
Vacant - The room has no current occupants and is clean.
MAINT - Means the room is flagged for maintenance.
The Housekeeping report can be printed and distributed to cleaning staff. The other report that is also used is Reports > Key Lists which provides a list of either arrivals or departures, where the departures provides the list of rooms which will have guests leaving and also serves as a good report of which rooms need to be cleaned.
In general, the cleaning staff clean the rooms and mark on the printout which rooms have been cleaned. They can then use the Ticklers > Cleaning Status tool to mark rooms as cleaned. All they have to do is check the box in the 'Clean?' column and then click the 'Update Cleaned Rooms' button.
Once a room has been marked as clean, then Housekeeping report will then reflect that a room is Vacant and therefore ready for guests.

Retreat Portal Housekeeping Features
Retreat Portal offers comparable reports for Housekeeping and room status. As always, the data between Retreat Manager and Retreat Portal is synchronized allowing staff to use both at the same time.
In Retreat Portal click the top-left icon and then select Reports > Housekeeping. While the report is currently in 'beta' it is open for general usage. The report shows you the details of each room and allows you to select specific dates. There is also the option to filter the listing based on the room's actions (arrivals, departures, etc.) and the status of the room (clean or dirty).

You can also check multiple rows and then click the 'Batch actions' header to change the status of multiple rooms at once.

One of the main differences between Retreat Portal and Retreat Manager is that Retreat Portal shows each room as a row versus each guest as a row. The 'Guest(s)' column will show all guests in the room.
For Housekeeping staff, Retreat Portal has a dedicated application. This application is mobile friendly and meant to facilitate faster marking of when rooms are cleaned. The Housekeeping applications also has limited information making it safer to share with cleaning staff.

The rooms can be clicked (or tapped) allowing for the status of the room to be set to clean or dirty. The change is immediate and also synchronizes with Retreat Manager.
