Retreat Portal offers advanced tables to help users find, sort, filter, and isolate exactly what data they want to find. This tutorial will go over the basics as well as advanced features behind tables. When used effectively you can get almost information you want out of Retreat Portal.
Basics: Searching
The top tables contains a search area where you can type anything you want and then click Go. If the word (or part of the words) regardless of case appear in the data, then those rows are returned. Searching is the quickest way to find data in a large data set.

Basics: Sorting
The headers (top) of each column contains the name of the column and if the color is blue, then you can click on the header to perform a quick sort of the data. You can choose to sort the data going from smallest to largest or largest to smallest.

Basics: Filtering
The headers (top) of each column contains the name of the column and if the color is blue, then you can click on the header to perform a quick filter of the data. The choice of what to filter on may change based on the column. Most columns show what data is in the column already while other filters are simple 'Yes/No' options. By clicking a value in the list you can choose what to filter on.

Basics: Clearing Rules
It is possible to apply multiple searches and multiple filters. The benefit is to further constrain the results, but you may with to delete a rule or cancel a rule.

To clear a rule (i.e. simply not apply the rule, but keep the rule visible) click the left checkbox to enable/disable the rule. To delete a rule click the X to the right of the rule.
Basics: Downloading
To download the data to your computer you can click the Actions button at the top of the table and select Download.

A pop-up will appear asking the download format. Nearly all tables support both CSV or HTML. The CSV can be opened in Excel while the HTML can be printed.
Important: Only the data currently captured by sorts, filters, searches, etc. will be downloaded even if the data is not currently shown.
Advanced: Filter Expressions
The basic filter options aren't always enough. For example, to filter on dates between date ranges or for payments above a certain amount you'll need to use Filter Expressions.
Click Actions > Filter to bring up the advanced filter options.

This will bring up a form where you can choose a column, the expression (e.g. greater than, less than, between, etc.) and a value to use in the expression.

For example, the filter below will only show rows where the 'Program starts' column is between Sep 1, 2022 and Feb 28, 2023.

You can apply multiple filters by clicking Actions > Filter to create another expression. For example, by adding the following expression I'm restricting my results to programs between the above dates AND does not have the word 'Students' in the program title.

Both filters get applied and the exact filters applied are shown at the top of the table where you can easily delete them or enable/disable them. The table will auto-refresh as you adjust the filters.
