Retreat Manager and Retreat Portal both track guest and group 'credit on file'. However, Retreat Manager and Retreat Portal manage the credits slightly differently. At present this tutorial only covers Retreat Manager.
Retreat Manager
Whenever a reservation or program is cancelled in Retreat Manager the respective guest/group is automatically credited with the amount that has already been paid.
A journal is kept of all credits granted to guests and groups. Retreat Manager makes it possible to manually adjust the credit entries, manually add credit, or manually remove/apply credit.
To view credit on file for guests and groups go to Financials > Deposit Tracker. The term 'credit on file' is referred to as 'RDA' (rolling deposit account) in Retreat Manager. You can click the 'Group RDA' tab to view the credits for groups or the 'Guest RDA' tab to view the credits for guests. The guest/group name is in the green row along with the total credit on file followed by the detailed list of activity for that guest/group.
Right click on any row beneath the green row to view the actions you can perform on the record. The operations are:
Add to the guest/group's credit on file.
Deduct from the guest/group's credit on file.
Edit an entry (i.e. adjust the value, date, or description).
Delete the entry entirely.
Utilizing Credit on File
This section will discuss how to add credit and deduct/apply credit as a form of payment.
Adding to credit on file
As mentioned above, Retreat Manager will automatically credit guests or groups when their respective program or reservation is cancelled. For example, if a guest paid $50 as a deposit for a reservation, and then the reservation was cancelled, then the amount paid ($50) would appear as a new entry in that guest's credit on file (RDA).
Screenshot of payment:
Screenshot of cancellation:
Screenshot of the credit for the above account (you can see the automatic inclusion of the $50 that was paid on the cancelled reservation):
Applying Credit on File
In Retreat Manager there are two steps to applying/using credit on file.
The first step is to manually record a deduction from a guest or group's credit on file. Following the steps above, click Financials > Deposit Tracker. If you're looking for a group, click the 'Group RDA' tab, if you're looking for a guest, then click the 'Guest RDA' tab. Find the guest or group, then right click on any row beneath the green row and select 'Deduct from...'. Choose the amount to deduct and optionally write a note, click Save when done.
The record for the guest or group is immediately updated. If the total credit on file went to zero, then you may have to change the setting at the bottom of the 'Deposit Tracker' to show both zero and positive balances:
The second step is to open the account for the guest or group - this may be the account on a reservation or the account on a program. Select 'Transfer from RDA' as the type of tender. (NOTE: If that payment type does not exist for you, then email to have it enabled). Then enter the amount that was deducted from the guest/group's file and click Accept.
The account for the guest/group will record that payment was made from their credit on file (RDA).
Should the program or reservation with a credit on file be cancelled again, then the credit will be returned to that guest/group's credit on file automatically.