Retreat Portal offers details of every online registration in our 'Carts' feature. You can see the details of successful online registrations as well as any that may have failed or been abandoned.
Log into Retreat Portal Console.
Click the icon in the top-left of the page and click 'Carts'

The top of the Carts shows a summary count of all online registrations.
Abandoned - Carts which haven't completed payment and are over 24 hours old.
In Progress - Carts which haven't completed payment, but were created less than 24 hours ago.
Ready to Reserve - Carts which have been paid, but the reservations are not in Retreat Manager yet.
At Risk - Carts which have been paid, but the reservation is encountering problems being completed in Retreat Manager.
Failed - Carts which couldn't be completed in Retreat Manager.
Sending Notification - Carts which have been paid, reservations are in Retreat Manager, and Retreat Portal is sending the email notification to guests.
Completed and Notified - Carts which have been paid, reservations are in Retreat Manager, and Retreat Portal has successfully sent the emails to guests.

The table shows the details of each item in the cart. This is important because carts may contain multiple items (i.e. registrations for specific programs). It is possible rows in the table belong to the same cart.
As with all tables in Retreat Portal you can click the header to filter the results. Or you can use the search bar to search for guest names, programs, etc.
The guest name is a link. If you click the guest name you can find more information about that guest's history.
The program name is a link. If you click the program name you will go to the program details page.
The view link for a cart item takes you to the details of the entire cart. The cart details will show you the payer information, which may be different than the guest's information. You can also see the payment information and statistics about the cart such as how long the guest took to complete the cart.
There is also a link to view the receipt page - the same page the payer would have seen when completing the cart. This link can be helpful when helping a guest understand what they purchased.
